Welcome to the Chicken Yogi Show

The Chicken Yogi Show exists at the intersection of lived neurodivergent experience, spirituality, liberation, and creativity to help neurodivergent individuals connect with themselves and with the wider universe. Too many people are trying to tell how neurodivergent people should live in a world designed for neurotypicals–be more productive, do more, act more neurotypical–and few people are discussing the creative and spiritual lives of those who are neurodivergent.  A

An outspoken spirituality and creativity mentor, Kit Caelsto shares from their lived experience as an extra spicy neurodivergent person who exists in a trans and disabled body. They’re not afraid to talk about controversial topics or get into the policy weeds, all while maintaining information that especially the neurodivergent and chronically ill community can use. Expect to hear about  topics such as spirituality, pursuing connection, remembering who you are, yoga, meditation, socioeconomic impacts, liberation (autistic, disabled, and mad liberation), and the intersection of how living as part of a marginalized group can impact any or all of this.


Episode 25: Examining Shame and the Neurodivergent Brain

Episode 25: Examining Shame and the Neurodivergent Brain

This week I go a bit deeper into the blog posts I wrote reviewing the book How To Keep House While Drowning and my post about my procrastinated (but now finished!) yard project. I'll break down the four things that are necessary for shame, why shame doesn't always...

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Episode 24: Spirituality and Neurodivergent Burnout

Episode 24: Spirituality and Neurodivergent Burnout

How does spirituality help keep burnout, especially neurodivergent burnout, in remission? And what are the three D's of burnout and how can spirituality help them? Learn how dissonance, demands, and disconnection lead to burnout and the ways in which spirituality can...

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Episode 21 – Ending Season 1 With a Transition

Episode 21 – Ending Season 1 With a Transition

We're ending our first season of the podcast with an explanation on a shift in focus. As you know there's been a break in the show, and I explained why that happened (life, college, disability, burnout, finding focus, etc.), but also, I realized that to be true to my...

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Episode 18: Rethinking Our Stories

What stories are you telling yourself? When you hear voices or narratives in your head talking about you, your choices, your life, whose voices are they? Where did they come from? One of the hardest and most important things late diagnosed (and all diagnosis...

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Episode 17: Rekindling Yoga’s Power of Liberation

Episode 17: Rekindling Yoga’s Power of Liberation

Liberation has been forgotten in the modern yoga movement, especially modern postural yoga, from which today's yoga studios, yoga teacher trainings, and yoga organizations have arisen. And yet, if we put the liberation back into yoga, we can use it as a tool for...

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Episode 16: Same Foods and Wellness

Episode 16: Same Foods and Wellness

Today's show discusses same foods within the context of being neurodivergent and chronically ill. We discuss how food is trust and how same foods represent a trust with your body, which is vital to feeling safe and well. We'll also talk about how same foods help...

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Weight Loss Programs & Weight Stigma

Weight Loss Programs & Weight Stigma

Did you know you can now "watch" our podcasts on YouTube? Check it out and subscribe to our channel. The entire weight loss industry is built around two things: control and making money. Except our weight isn't an indicator of health and it isn't something that's 100%...

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Safety is Required for Wellness

Safety is Required for Wellness

CW: This podcast episode mentions within the context of needing safety in all aspects of our lives the topics of: restrictive eating, diet plans (like Weight Watchers), physical safety, physical assault, and sexual harassment and assault. This episode is very close to...

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What’s Wrong With the Narrative of Control

What’s Wrong With the Narrative of Control

On the blog lately I've been talking about connection and how the wellness wheel doesn't exist in isolation. Last episode, I talked about expanding the wellness wheel by adding charkas and energy work. However there's one thing that both our western health and...

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Episode 12: Expanding On The Wellness Wheel

Episode 12: Expanding On The Wellness Wheel

In this episode, we take the Free Range Wellness Wheel and expand it to provide a path towards finding holistic, radical wellness. Each section of the wheel can be taken into its own wellness wheel in order to provide a fuller picture of that area and the steps toward...

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Episode 11: An Introduction to the Wellness Wheel

Episode 11: An Introduction to the Wellness Wheel

The Wellness Wheel was created in 1976 as a way to visualize what holistic wellness looks like. It's been used by many organizations, and each one seems to put their own twist on it. Understanding that not everyone's wellness will be the same, in this episode, I...

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