Support the Podcast and Chicken Yogi TV

Interested in advertising on the show?

Your support goes a long way toward helping us with our mission (and it directly supports a disabled, nonbinary, neurodivergent farmer yogi). All donations are turned back into operating costs either here at the podcast or for the homestead, including supporting food and health expenses.

Donate through Ko-Fi | Use Our On Site Tip Jar

If you become a recurring supporter through Ko-Fi  or our Tip Jar, your name will be posted in the show notes as a credit for each episode you remain a member. It’s the least I can do until I think of better/more awesome ways to say thanks.



If you would like to be an advertiser on the show, please complete the form below. We’ll reach out to you with options and to find out more about you and your products. All advertiers must comply with our code of ethics and the Chicken Yogi Way.

Note: If you are a MLM, promoting a “cure” for anything, or seek to help neurodivergent people “do more”, we’re probably not a good fit for you. We’re all about liberation and authentic selves.

    How often are you wanting to advertise?