Welcome to the Chicken Yogi Show

The Chicken Yogi Show exists at the intersection of lived neurodivergent experience, spirituality, liberation, and creativity to help neurodivergent individuals connect with themselves and with the wider universe. Too many people are trying to tell how neurodivergent people should live in a world designed for neurotypicals–be more productive, do more, act more neurotypical–and few people are discussing the creative and spiritual lives of those who are neurodivergent.  A

An outspoken spirituality and creativity mentor, Kit Caelsto shares from their lived experience as an extra spicy neurodivergent person who exists in a trans and disabled body. They’re not afraid to talk about controversial topics or get into the policy weeds, all while maintaining information that especially the neurodivergent and chronically ill community can use. Expect to hear about  topics such as spirituality, pursuing connection, remembering who you are, yoga, meditation, socioeconomic impacts, liberation (autistic, disabled, and mad liberation), and the intersection of how living as part of a marginalized group can impact any or all of this.


Episode 10: Rethinking Physical Exercise And Gym Class

Episode 10: Rethinking Physical Exercise And Gym Class

Welcome to our first episode after our holiday vacation. This time of year people think about adding exercise as a resolution, and while that's not a bad resolution for many of us exercise sounds a lot like PE class. There's a lot of trauma there to unpack, especially...

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Episode 9: What is wellness? (The Early Episodes)

Episode 9: What is wellness? (The Early Episodes)

The WHO defines health as the absence of disease and being physically healthy. Except, for many people, especially those with chronic illness, this seems an unachievable dream. Instead of thinking of health as a switch you flick on or off (healthy/not healthy), let's...

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Episode 7: Who are you? (The Early Episodes)

If you're a fan of Babylon 5, then you know the Vorlons asked "Who Are You?" while it was the Shadow that asked "What do you want?". Sometimes we need to ask these questions to ourselves and discover the answers. Note: The Early Episodes are shows I recorded before...

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Episode 6: Accessible Yoga Classes (The Early Episodes)

Episode 6: Accessible Yoga Classes (The Early Episodes)

Accessible yoga is so much more than the ability to use props like a block or strap and asana adjustments. It's also about the way yoga is marketed, the language that's used, and how the yoga instructor creates and sets the space, as well as teaches those who may not...

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Episode 5: Grief in the subtle body (The Early Episodes)

Episode 5: Grief in the subtle body (The Early Episodes)

The subtle bodies (koshas) are made up of different layers of the body including the emotional body, the energy body, the wisdom body, and the bliss body. Grief permeates all layers including our physical body. Join the host for a discussion about the power of grief...

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Episode 3: What is balance? (The Early Episodes)

Episode 3: What is balance? (The Early Episodes)

What is balance? What does it mean to balance work and life? That's a difficult topic for anyone to handle, but for many it's even more difficult. The host shares their thoughts on balance and what it means. Note: The Early Episodes are shows I recorded before...

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Introduction to the Chicken Yogi Show

Introduction to the Chicken Yogi Show

Welcome to the Chicken Yogi Show where I turn my passion for chronic wellness, yoga, meditation, and more, into a weekly podcast for your enjoyment. I'm not a doctor, and I certainly don't play one on television, but I will share the wellness information I've gathered...

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